
Modeling and Make up

I'm a tomboy, I have very few female friends if almost none lol but I like to look good and feel good with myself.
I like to take care of my appearance because you never know what will happen, it's a fact. I'm an artist I should know lol. The thing I love about make up is the fact that its like art to me and I just love playing with it and experimenting with it as well :))

This is me at the beginning when I first began experimenting with make up:

August 2009- Disney College Program

I know what you're thinking, can you have your hair dye like that on disney?
Nope lol you need to have natural hair color, lucky me my "costume"  or uniform had a baseball hat so I could hide it xD yeah I'm kinda the troublemaker ir rulebreaker :P
When I got tired of pink hair I dyed it black again.

I often got bored on my dorm and played with make up. Trust me when you live in disney you get tired of going to he park every single day lol

This was on halloween, I was going with m roommate to a concert held at the house of blues in downtown disney. So we disguised ourselves to give it the halloween spirit. I went as a Geisha and she went as a pirate.
It was a The Used concert and we had a lot of fun despite of some minor inconvenience. I also got an autograph from Jeph <3 he was super nice and not drunk like Bert by the end of the concert. WE also got to see the Almost that day and Drive A and a bunch of emo and scene kids making a scene lol.

Back in track, once I finished my college program in 2010:

I'm always changing the way my hair look

This is a wig and its my cheetah look for halloween :))

Delicate and sweet, I love how my hair kind of looks blue :]

This is my favorite top! I love animal print :))

and this is my dark look :))


Why am I posting these pictures?
After I returned to Puerto Rico from Florida I received a call from a woman,
she said she worked with Mary Kay and wanted to interview me to be a facial model.
My heart was pounding so fast, you can't imagine how it feels to have a chance like this that only comes once in your lifetime. Sadly I had to decline... Why? I was already in Puerto Rico and not entirely sure of what I wanted or was going to do. It's not that I want to brag about oh I'm pretty and I should be a model and bla bla bla... Trust me it's not. But thinking back about it what I really wanted to have said was yes and take the next flight to Florida and start a career as a Face Model. But I also want to finish my Bachelor on Game art Design and make all my dreams real. Though I didn't quite think of it completely... Models get paid good and it's only my face they want, if I did that  I could have paid for my college tuition and I could have stayed in Florida!! wtf was wrong with me?!! lol
So when opportunity knocks at your door don't decline, think about it through and give the answer you think its the best or you will always regret it.


My work and some fan art

So I previously mentioned I wanted to be a game designer like Nomura-Sempai, here is some of my fan art base on his work:

Tifa Lockhart
 (Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, Dissidia Final Fantasy Duodecim)

Cloud Strife
 (Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, Dissidia Final Fantasy Duodecim)

Squall Leonhart
(Final Fantasy VIII)

Rinoa Heartilly
Final Fantasy VIII

Warrior of Light
Final Fantasy, Dissidia Final Fantasy

Oerba Dia Vanille
Final Fantasy XIII

Kingdom Hearts

Pretty neat for an amateur, right?

Issun, Amaterasu and Chibiterasu
Okami, Okami Den

Made with 100% chinese ink :))

Other of my works?
ok :))

I call her Cid Aera <3

A tattoo a design for a friend <3

More Chinese Ink:

Made with Pastel Chalk <3

Not exactly an amazing paint or anything but I really love this anime drawing I made:

So cute <3 Kawaii

A drawing a friend of my boyfriend made, I just made a remake my style lol:

When I see this I think in a game called no more heroes for the wii and also in the turks from Final Fantasy VII (My boyfriend likes this one more than the original lol)

Thats all I'll post for now :( I have get a new phone to upload more <3

Dreams... You can make them Real!!

I want to dedicate this post my friend Nikko:

[She's super pretty :)]

She too is from Puerto Rico baby ;)) and she's pure amazing!!

The reason why I dedicate this one for her is coz she made me realize that I can't give up on my dreams coz of my family or any situation.

My dream is to be like this guy:

Tetsuya Nomura 
(ι‡Žζ‘ ε“²δΉŸ Nomura Tetsuya born October 8, 1970) is a Japanese video game director and character designer working for Square Enix (formerly Square), best known for his work on both the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts series.
(Source: Wikipedia)

It has been my dream ever since I played kingdom hearts and final fantasy to work with him, just imagine me making final fantasy XV or XVII? to die for!!
So obviously I have to study video game design but my family doesn't agree and the had me brainwashed into studying radiology or whatever its called... Thats where my friend came in reminding me how it's my life and I make it the way I want. I can't give up on my dreams, not for anything or anyone!! Even if it's childish... it's what I always wanted t do for as long as I remember.

Sooooooooooooo don't give up on your dreams!!!! make them your surrounding reality, thats the road to happiness!
When you do something you like your happy, it's a fact and why would you want to be unhappy or do something you don't like for he rest of your life? I'm so happy I had my talk with Nikko <3 she's more than a great friend she's my lil sister <3 

Nikko if you read this, I so freaking love you, and you are amazing!! I'm so lucky to have a you as a friend <3 And I can't wait til I start college with you <3
Art School get ready coz here we come!!!!!

Seise the Opportunities in Life

It's been one job after another, are things really that bad economically? Gas price is up the clouds again and college tuition isn't cheap either, so the only thing eft to do is to go job hunting. But what's worse that going job hunting? I'll tell you what... is to work in a place you hate -.-... yup the way things are looking I might get a job at a fast food that I really don't like at all, but some things in life you just do especially if there's a need. I know I may not even like the place but I have to be grateful that I could get the job (if I get the job that is lol). My point in this blog is that sometimes people are given opportunities in a hard time and just cuz they don't quite appeal to the idea or simply are so stubborn to say no cuz thats not what they want to do instead of taking the chances and working with it, if it where up to me? well I wouldn't be working there lol but like I said previously somethings you just do.

If you're wondering where might I work?
its the taco maker... Don't get me wrong, I love mexican food but just not from this restaurant -__-''' I prefer taco bell and both of these are 100% accurate on what mexican food really is! Totally bogus  : / but I still love taco bell lol.
This is what real tacos are like in mexico:

nothing like taco bell or taco maker at all!!
First its a flat hard shell tortilla and from what I see no cheese on it just meat and lettuce so you my friend have been deceived and ripped off lol but our fake tacos are good as well so I can't really complain. 


Moving on with my next topic is what imma do with my money lol
Mainly save it and invest in on college and my hobbies but something I really want...

A cute female white Pomeranian!!! I've always had big dogs, from german shepherd to rottweillers. My sister has a chiwawa, but I really don't like him and on top of things he is badly trained! I want a sweet dog that I can take anywhere <3 The one concern is my nephews if the harass the dog too much it might attack cuz these dogs don't like feeling like that at all... Hopefully I can train her well enough to behave correctly. What's great about this breed is that they are smart and learn fast, they enjoy being praised more than getting a treat so I'm pretty confident it will all go fine and dandy <3


Ceramides Shampoo and Conditioners

So I went to my local drug store today, looking for hair dye and some hair product for my hair since it has been seriously damage with flat irons and chemicals also bleaching my hair with non-organic bleach made it even worse!! it was mayhem to style and stay in place... just a nightmare. So I was going through the hair treatment sections and I got a placenta for my hair but something else caught my attention and it was the ceramides shampoo and conditioner plus it had a great prize for 32 oz so I left the placenta and decided to give it a try :) once I dyed my hair I washed it with the shampoo and later applied the conditioner. The results.. A-MA-ZING!! I haven't felt my hair so soft for soooooo long! highly recommend it to anyone :)) The brand of the one I bought is called Issue, I tried google-ing it but I couldn't find it :( I know it's in Puerto Rico though and it's cheap too.

In case you are wondering the brand I bought is the one above lol its about 32 oz and it only cost me 2.99 + tax each ^.^ 

If you are looking for a known and trusted brand...

L'oreal has a line of ceramides shampoo and conditioner, if you can't find it on your local drug store try a beauty supply though I cannot guaranty that it will be as cheap as the one I got lol. 

if it's L'oreal we know its more that good, right?

First Blog!! all about me :P

Hi there!! I'm Adriana but everyone calls me Vanille or Sayuri, I never get called by my name so please feel free to call me either Vanille or Sayuri. Vanille is Vanilla for French and Sayuri small lotus for Japanese. I'm a very random person, I love to be with my friends, very optimistic and open minded. I live in a small island called Puerto Rico, though I've also lived in Florida for a while. I'm an artist if you may call me that; I live for arts it's my soul passion, here is one of my best works:

Don't know who this is? it's the Goddess Amaterasu from the video game "Okami". Yes, I'm also a gamer. As you can see, I'm highly influenced by the Japanese culture as I also love their arts. I collect kimonos, currently have 1 furisode, 2 tomosode and 1 yukata, and if you are wondering if I also like anime, then the answer is yes :) I guess you can call me a nerd hehe. I can be very different from other girls, I am very in to the latest fashion, a take care of my appearance rather well (just need to take care of a lil extra pounds I gained while I lived in FL, lol you'd be amazed just how much junk food americans love to eat, sadly it go the best of me and as the result I gained weight :( ) very friendly and kind, I don't like to judge people I leave that to God, I'm super honest with people, what I don't like I'll say it and always keep the respect present. I'm a tomboy but I have my feminine side present, though sometimes I'm really in the mood for some cargo pants and t-shirt with my chuck's all stars <3

Hobbies? aside doing arts I also sing and play the keyboard, often learn new songs as well as write songs, maybe soon I'll post a video blog on one of my best works :) I used to skateboard back in junior high but ever since a part of my board broke I never got the money to get it replaced so I started tennis and stayed up until the beginning of college, once I moved to FL I stopped tennis and regret it :( I'm a very active girl filled with energy, people never get bored with me :)

<3 Six years ago my heart was taken officially by the most amazing guy on the planet, together since junior high and beyond <3 
(yup my hair was black)
Nowadays is difficult to find that one person that you simply cannot live without, a person that compliments you fully, when you find that person hold on tight and never let go.

This is me now :)

hehe not your everyday tomboy I guess :P although somedays I just feel like this

no make up, pretty dress or nice pearl accessories, just your basic eyeliner and tee <3

I guess you can call me interesting or weird, people call me that all year round so I'm used to it :P

favorite food? I love italian food, mexican food and of course asian cuisine <3 and if I could I would always have desserts first then food :)) I love candy <3

Fav. music genre? well I'm into classical music a lot, I also enjoy j-rock (favorite j-rock band is the Gazette) j-pop ( Utada Hikaru, Ayaka, Sugawara Sayuri, Ayumi Hamasaki are but a few of the best j-pop artist :) ) of course american rock lol and techno baby xD

Dreams? well my first dream or goal is to become a mother, I love children <3 second I would love so very much to become a video game designer and work in square enix make the next final fantasy but that will never happen XD so I'm just ok with being an arts teacher :)  

so this is but a summary bout me, if you want to know this persona just contact me :) I love making new friends :))